
Showing posts from March, 2011

Guest Student Slicer - Jasmine

Friends are great people. They are loyal and fun. They are always there for you when you need them the most.   You can call them any time and ask any question. Love   Care   Fun.

Guest student slicer - Brennan

Well, today is the last day of SOL.This summer I'm going to write a book. I most likely won't write poems for awhile so here's my last one.        Day is dark        So is trust, emptyness        Love fall's all around us        The sky at night lights up bright        Here comes the last flight of the night. He doesn't know it but we are writing another poetry unit this spring. :)

March 31, 2011 Celebrate!

My class is preparing to celebrate the end of the slice of life challenge tomorrow.   We’ll discuss how it felt to write every day and I’ll have them write down what really mattered to them. A reflection. Then they will have a chance to eat slices of things we chose to bring for tomorrow.   Things like: slices of pizza, cake, oranges, apples, kiwi, bananas, and pineapple. Life is like that.   It is mixed up and crazy. You can’t count on everything being alike or the same.   We would get bored if it was always the same. I found that in writing everyday too.   It can be difficult.   I read another person’s slice this morning and he was writing about “last”.   He used song titles and other words but he used a phrase I would like to repeat because it stuck with me; “ Words and phrases tumbled around in my brain, like clothes in a dryer.”   Sometimes it worked out that way and other times it was mo...

March 30, 2011 Persuasive essay preparation...

As I am preparing the class for their persuasive research essay, I am writing down what I already know about the topic that I have written something about, Iceland . I spent my 18 th year of life in Iceland as an exchange student and I know some things have changed.   That is where the research will come in to help me bring the essay up to date. The weather is moderate. They have windy (wind that comes over the ocean- so sometimes it is very windy), rainy days and moderate snow in the winter. Their culture is Scandinavian, similar to the Swedish and Danish, but they have their roots in their ancestors the Vikings. Their meals are somewhat bland, but consist more boiled fish and potatoes.   It varies of course depending on the family and their origin.   They have coffee breaks three times a day with Danish pastries, coffee cakes with plenty of cream. I gained 25 lbs. the first month I was there! It was difficult to say what they did for entertainment, but most student...

March 29, 2011 How did I end up here...?

To my slicer friends, this has been a ride!   I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed reading slices, commenting, writing and reading the comments others have been kind enough to to share.   I find that others are very sympathetic and either live similar lives or have similar situations.   We all live on this planet together and want to teach others to appreciate life and what it has to offer. I can’t help but think about the Japanese people and what they are going through.   It is hard to identify what it would be like in a disaster like that.   I feel compassion for those who have lost everything they own, but more than that, for those who have lost loved ones.   You can replace material things, but not a person. I know when Hurricane Katrina happened it was difficult to fathom about how many people were affected by it and the flood waters that came from the broken levee. But to imagine the population of Japan and how many live in such a small area, i...

March 28, 2011 Storms of life

Thunder clapped in the distance.   The sky was gray and dark clouds rolled in.   I felt like something was about to happen. A storm was preparing to erupt like a volcano.   Life is like that. In my life, I feel like I have really been blessed, but I have had my moments. As far back as second grade when I was disciplined   for “talking” and sent to the corner, I felt a storm. There was turmoil inside me. I felt it was not my fault. The boy in front of me would not be quiet and I only told him to be quiet.   However, I was the one in trouble.   I was too shy to tell the teacher, I was not talking.   It is hard for me not to take life so seriously. As a child, I was very compliant. I did everything, for the most part, that I was asked to do.   That has caused me trouble in my own emotional life, and because I have expectations of others acting like I did.   I’m learning to give others grace and also myself!   Have a great evening…   ...

March 27, 2011 Oops...

Have you ever forgotten something and you're in a hurry?  Well, I have to admit, I did it this weekend.  I was on my way to see my parents when my husband and I stopped to have a bite to eat at Arby's in a town about 3 hours from our destination and left to travel on the road. We had been driving for about an hour and a half or so when we decided to stop and stretch so we stopped at a McDonalds just to get out there.  I had thought about walking in to get a cup of coffee so I wanted my purse for some money and couldn't find my purse.  We hunted and hunted and then it hit me, "I left it on the back of a chair in the Arby's in the town where we stopped to eat."  What were we to do?  The first thing my husband thought of was to go back to an Arby's we passed on our way to Micky D's and see if they would have the phone number so we could call and see if they found my purse.  So we promptly turned around and drove there. I walked in and of cou...

March 26, 2011 Family Together

Today my family is celebrating my mom and dad's 65th Anniversary along with my mom and dad's birthdays'.  I have two sisters and two brothers.  Believe it or not, there are very few times that all of us are together in one place.  We are all here to celebrate today!  I'm so thankful for my siblings and my parents.  We has food catered in and shared our memories. The only way I am on this computer is because my brother has a cell phone that has a "hot spot" on it so I can access it. We are laughing and having a great time.  These are precious moments.  Sharing these times are priceless.  We've taken pictures and videos, but the memories are beyond that.  Enjoy your day! Thanks for stopping by!  I truly appreciate your comments!  Happy Slicing! :)

March 25, 2011 A treat in a mug...

A treat in a mug…Watch out you might get addicted. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! J A friend gave me this recipe and I thought I would share it. Enjoy. T. = Tablespoon Chocolate Cake in a Mug (Microwaved) Ingredients 4 T. flour (plain, not self-rising) 4 T. sugar 2 T. cocoa 1 egg 3 T milk 3 T. oil Small splash of vanilla 3 T chocolate chips (optional) How to make it In a microwave safe MUG:. Add dry ingredients to mug, mix well with a fork.   Add egg, mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and oil and vanilla, mix well. Add chips, optional. Put mug in microwave, and cook for three minutes.   Cake will rise over top of mug--do not be surprised! Allow to cool a little; tip onto a plate if desired. Enjoy! Make two if you have company! Have a great weekend. Happy Slicing! J

Guest Student Slicer - Trey

A week from today is my birthday. I will be twelve on the first of April.   I have a lot of fun on my birthday. We’re not having a party this year because my mom, her friend, her friend’s son and I   are going to Chicago to the Art Museum, the aquarium, and the Lego store.   My mom’s friend’s son is coming to hang out with me. Trey 3-5-11

Guest Student Slicer - Jasmine

Guess what? My name is Jasmine, and my favorite flower comes from Africa .   It is yellow in the middle with some pink and white on the outside.    That sounds like me, pink for love, yellow with care, white for strong, independent and funny. Jasmine 3-19-11

Guest Student Slicer - Dominic

It is a rainy day today. It feels like it’s sad outside. It just makes you want to cry. I’m starting a new book. It is called Earthquake Terror by Peg   Kehret. I am going fishing again today. This is a good day to go because it is raining and when it is like this the fish think there are bugs falling on the water. Then they come up to the water and see if there are bugs. Dominic 3-22-11

March 24, 2011 Persuasive Research Essay

Persuasive Research Essay… We’re preparing to write a persuasive research essay.   I have been helping the students think about how they can select their topic.   They must have at least three arguments and three counterarguments.   I’ve told them to choose a topic that they know something about and that they are passionate about.   Now my example isn’t a topic you would normally pick, but I wanted something that they wouldn’t pick either, so I chose to write about Iceland .   It is pretty neutral, but it is a country I know something about.   I lived there for thirteen months.   I actually was an exchange student there. I plan to tell them what I know about it and then go into the reasons that I think they should visit it someday.   Of course explaining what that they would say that counter my opinion. I could use things such as; 1. They would say they don’t speak Icelandic and would be worried about the language.   No problem, most Icel...

Guest Student Slicer - Jasmine

Today is my dad’s birthday and he is 32. You know what is funny, my grandpa’s 52, my uncle’s 42, my dad’s 32, my cousin’s 22, I’m 12, my other cousin is 2.   I mean talk about funny and next year it will be all threes.   And all the birthdays are really close. I mean close. And the other funny part is everyone in my house’s birthday is on a holiday or really close. My mom and dad’s birthdays are a couple of months apart and their both the same age. Jasmine 3-23-11

March 23, 2011 My Mother

This piece is in honor of my mother who is 86 today! It is difficult to say what I will look like at 86 years of age, if I am still alive, God willing, but I’ve decided “it’s not how you look, but how you act that is important!”   Those are words my mother has told me throughout my life.   Along with, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”   There are many phrases and sayings that my mother has taught me.   They are all well and good, but knowing her kind heart has been the most significant.         Life growing up on a farm in  Ohio wasn’t always easy for my mother. She was the third child, but her oldest sister died at twelve years old before my mother was born. Then when she was fifteen years old   her mother died and tells stories of going down the road to have a neighbor lady help her with killing and dressing 15 chickens.         Even after she was married to...

March 22, 2011 My third grandson

My third grandson: This is my daughter’s only child.   He is so much fun and I had a chance to hold him when he was 22 hours old!   What a pleasure, joy, honor and unspeakable elation I had that day seeing him.   All my grandchildren are special but I have not had the opportunity to hold them when they were this young. So this is what I have written about him when he was about one year old.   He is now over 2. Independent, Friendly, Social, Loves Kitties (Just like his mother) Blonde, Big Blue Eyes Grabs my hand and pulls me forward Loves to go for walks Explores the world Checks things out Picks up a stick at a park & carries it around as if it is a special toy Enjoys the swings Watches older children play He’s tall for his age Looks like he’s three That’s why we call him “Little Man.” Of course there’s so much more but this is enough for today. I have to go.   Happy slicing! :)

Guest Student Slicer - Cedric

To save people is what I want to do. I see people get shot and all I did was duck behind a car, while someone was shooting.   Next chance I go I’m going to do something instead of people dying or getting shot.   I want to save lives not for fame, but because I hate when people die, because no one will help.   I will save futures and save the world someday. Cedric 3-22-11

Guest Student Slicer - Kiana

Rain, Rain, go away! That’s what I’ve been thinking all day long. I hope later in the season it’s not just rain. I want it to be Sunny! I love the sun, and for it to be hot outside. It seems like when it’s hot it’s too hot! So people want it cooler, then, when its cold, it’s too cold so people want it to be hot again. People now days can’t make up their mind. J Kiana 3-22-11

Guest Student Slicer - Trey

Yesterday I went fishing. Everytime I put a worm on, a fish would take it. Later, I took my ATV (four wheeler) out for the first time this spring. I went to start it and it would not start because of the fuel went bad. So I put more gas in it but it still wouldn’t start. Finally something went right that it turns out that the starter was loose. So we tightened it. We rode with Steve’s friends with four wheelers and dirt bikes for an hour. Trey 3-22-11

March 21, 2011 Happiness is...

It’s Monday…I need something simple today. Happiness is… Feeling a warm summer breeze on my face Touching the fur of my cat Watching my grandson sleep Blowing on a dandelion after it’s gone to seed Sitting on the patio listening to the crickets after a long day of work Planting a seed in the warm dirt and knowing that with time and care it will come up Having someone special snuggle close to me Finishing a difficult task and knowing that I did my best Finding after I taught a lesson that the light bulb came on for a student Riding my bicycling down an old empty railroad path with my husband Walking in the sand by the beach on a warm sunny day Talking on the phone with my mother or my daughter or my grandchild Relaxing and reading with a good book Spying on the birds at my bird feeder Spending time with a friend who is immobile Blessings from above It’s the little things of life that keep me going. Happy Slicing! J

March 20, 2011 A Quote on my mind...

"REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get; we make a Life by what we give." I don’t know who wrote that quote, but it is important to me.   Now that I am older I see it more clearly than I did earlier, not that I couldn’t have, but when I was younger, I couldn’t wait as I stated in another slice to get older, etc. Life doesn’t slow down for anyone. We will grow older no matter what, but our maturity depends purely on us.   Being young at heart is one thing, but being childish is another. As I mature, I begin to see I gain more meaning in life from giving to others than from what I get from others.   Relationships are more significant than material things. So the second part of the quote that speaks to “making a Living by what we get” is perhaps speaking about our livelihood in order to provide for ourselves.   Or just taking care of ourselves and not worrying about anyone else. Finally to carve a life out fo...

March 19, 2011 Saturday...

This will be short because I do have many things to do today. I must admit that I wasn't sure I could write everyday and the weekend is the toughest because I'm not at school and not disciplined, in a schedule, and not usually near my computer.  However, I actually feel this blogging/slicing has slowly, but surely embedded itself under my skin.  I love it! Not that I'm good at it, but I love reading all the pieces, poems, slices, moments, comments, snippets and segments of whatever anyone wants to share.  Some are sharing about their present, past, themselves, their pets, their students and the world in general.  It has made me more aware of my students and their needs and my need for this as well. So here's to slicing and what it has done for me and my students!  Thanks to my mentor, Ruth, for encouraging the Slice of Life Challenge! I finally took it on!  I know it's about time!  ( Well, I guess this isn't as short as I thought it would be...

March 18, 2011 Celebrate Poetry

Since we are thinking of Poetry for next month I decided that I should begin my thoughts about it and I have already started a poem.   Poetry was…         Hard to read Nothing to me         Difficult         Meaningless Until…         Georgia Heard! Yes, she explained to me that it didn’t’ have to be a certain way! I could read it         Write it         Live it         Love it         Feel it         Enjoy it                 My way! There’s so much more to it than I ever imaged!         It’s woven in the tapestry of my life.   The very threads of my life a...