Feb. 27, 2011 Sunday

Yesterday I spent with my parents.  They celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this past week.  My mom had the opportunity to go watch my brother's daughter, my niece and her granddaughter play basketball for University of Akron at Miami University in Ohio. So my husband and I went down to stay with my dad for the day.
Dad has Parkinson's disease and he isn't really himself these days, so his mind comes and goes.  We have to watch for those special moments when we get a glimpse of the true person that he is.  We had a few of those special moments yesterday.  I was so glad that I was home because I got to see him tease one of the caretakers.  I don't remember the exact circumstance, but after dad said something to her, he looked at me and winked with a grin on his face.  It was vintage dad!  I knew he knew that it would get her goat and he knew very well at that moment what he was doing. 
There was another time that he was asking me about the world today.  He was talking about the middle east and what was happening there.  I knew by what he was saying that he had been hearing the news and was aware of what has been going on.  Most of the time he whispers and doesn't make sense but at supper last night he was talking out loud and making sense.  These are precious moments.  I cherish them.
Today, he was in one of his "sleep states" and I was not able to talk with him.  It shows how we must take each day as it comes and make the most of it!  Thank you God!  I did spend some time with mom then and left to travel home. 
I spent the afternoon with a friend who had a birthday.  She had been instrumental in helping me through a tough time in my life.  Her way of celebrating was inviting women to her home, of course serving cake, candy and punch, encouraging laughter and talking, but the best thing was; she celebrated another friend's life.  Her friend is dying from a brain tumor and wanted all of us to remember her and gave us each a carnation and a bag of popcorn before we left.  What a way to celebrate.  Her friend will go to be with the Lord soon.  God is so good!  Glorify His name!


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