My class is preparing to celebrate the end of the slice of life challenge tomorrow. We’ll discuss how it felt to write every day and I’ll have them write down what really mattered to them. A reflection. Then they will have a chance to eat slices of things we chose to bring for tomorrow. Things like: slices of pizza, cake, oranges, apples, kiwi, bananas, and pineapple. Life is like that. It is mixed up and crazy. You can’t count on everything being alike or the same. We would get bored if it was always the same. I found that in writing everyday too. It can be difficult. I read another person’s slice this morning and he was writing about “last”. He used song titles and other words but he used a phrase I would like to repeat because it stuck with me; “ Words and phrases tumbled around in my brain, like clothes in a dryer.” Sometimes it worked out that way and other times it was mo...
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