Nov. 26, 2011 Can it be?

Can it be? It's been two months since I blogged.  Time just disappears. There is so much happening. I am still writing, but with my students. I just have not made it a priority to write on my blog; I'll admit it. I'm going to make a commitment to you my readers/friends now!

We completed personal narratives during writing workshop and reading workshop.  Currently, we are playing with scene writing and planning to begin research for our science fair projects that will be due in February. 

Life just happens and we all know what that is like.  I am truly going to work at this. Writing can be difficult, but it is so rewarding.  I wish I had had a teacher in school that had helped me to see that. 

Enjoy your holidays.  Thanksgiving is family!  I'm thankful for family! Happy Slicing! :o)


  1. Nice to read you again! The beginning of school can be so busy! It is difficult to even get the basic necessities accomplished...clean clothes, home cooked meals, washed dishes, replaced buttons, ironed anythings...what are those?

  2. Hi, Thanks so much for your comment! You made my day! What encouragement! You are so right! Everything just gets pushed aside when I teach! I know you understand! Have a great weekend, friend! :o)


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