4th Slice March 4, 2012 Noah's Ark

Today I made a Noah's Ark for our church's puppet show.  I'll follow with a picture of it. I wasn't alone, I had the help of two others.  You've heard of two heads are better than one, well, three heads are better than two!  I did the planning and we all carried it out, but they had ideas along the way.

I love to make crafts and sew.  This is right up my alley.  We took a large piece of cardboard, actually two large pieces.  We had measured them ahead of time.  This helped me to figure out how much fabric I needed for the water too.

I had purchased the markers, glue and other supplies ahead of time.  I brought scissors, fabric and anything else that I thought might help us.

We stopped off at Subway to get a sandwich for lunch before we began. Then we drew and cut.  I began to make lines for the boards on the ark and trace  with a marker. After a few boards were done, the other two decided that they could do it too, so we all started in.  With three of us working, the job was finished in no time. Let's say it would have taken me much more time alone than if we all worked together.

I cut the top of the fabric to be water and then we glued it on the bottom.  I still have to add some fish for fun.  See for yourself.  That's it. I decided to make this slice easy.   Happy Slicing!  :)
Noah's Ark - not totally completed yet


  1. How adorable! I love the scene. Having help is always great. Thanks for being willing to make the kids' show so special.

  2. Well, the slice may have been easy, but building an ark is no small task! Very nice. I feel like I'm on board!


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