Slice 12 March 12, 2012 A freedom.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."
~Stephen R. Covey~

This is a freedom we don't usually think about.This is a right we have to decide how we react to something someone does or says to or about us. Students may think that it doesn't happen to adults, but it does.  We all have that problem and need to guard ourselves from being caught up in it.

Mr. Covey is right in that we have the freedom to decide whether it affects us or not and how to react to it or not! People who are in the news must get tired of hearing what others say about them, true or not. I know that it is so much easier said than done, but remember you are your own worst enemy.  Think positively. Have a great day!  Happy Slicing! :)


  1. I choose to think positively and look for the best in people. If they can't see that in me, I can't help them. I guess students don't ever think that their teacher gets their feelings hurt just like them.

  2. So very true. Adults struggle with the same emotional tug-of-war that young people do. Hopefully, though, we have the maturity to take that path of freedom. It doesn't mean we aren't impacted by the words, but we can move beyond them.

  3. So true what Mr. Covey says...I'm saving this quote because it is something I need to reminded of daily especially with all of the changes in education. Sue, you remind mem of Debbie Miller. She ends her focus lessons with the words, Happy Reading! You end yours with Happy Slicing. Makes me smile.

  4. It reminds me of what my husband used to say to our son when he got angry at someone and was sullen and angry with everyone then. Are you going to give that person so much power that they can ruin your whole day? By staying angry and not enjoying the day, you have essentially given them the power to control the way your day goes. We, as the adults, try to remember it, too!


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