Slice 20 March 21, 2012 Six words

Six words that describe me.

I was reading a devotional this morning. It mentioned how would you describe yourself in a sentence with six words? Ernest Hemingway wrote his six words as: “For sale: baby shoes, never used.” How sad. In the Bible, Paul described Timothy as :“My true son in the faith” (1 Tim. 1:2 NIV). These are just a couple examples of ways it can be done.

I have been contemplating this. What can one say in six words? I know that words can be very powerful in one sense and yet not say it at all. Here is what I hope to say:
“Spent a lifetime loving and caring.”

What would you say? How could you write a story in 6 words? A memoir? I think I will challenge my class to try this. Happy Slicing! :)


  1. That is an interesting thought. I will definitely be thinking about this for a while. Just six words can be harder than you think.

  2. Oh my gosh - what a challenge. I have trouble keeping my slices to a page, I don't think I could do it. Your six words are wonderful

  3. Interesting idea! I think the kids would love it. Although I have sat here trying and can't think of anything. It may take awhile.

  4. Challenging.....but interesting. I will have to try!

  5. I'll have to ponder this for a while. I like your 6 words and they are very meaningful.

  6. Oooh a challenge. I am going to think about this. (Great slice and activity!) Thanks for sharing.


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