Slice 24 March 25, 2012 My New Friend

I was talking about moving in my last slice. So today I thought I would write about Doris.  The girl who came in my life soon after I moved and became my best friend in Junior High, High School and college. 

After several weeks at my new school, I met a new friend. Her name was Doris. She was very quiet and shy, like me.  She had "dreamy " blue-gray eyes and a welcoming smile. Her soft manners and shy approach are what drew me to her. She was never boastful or loud. I really liked the little things about her. Her deep faith, love for her family and her special treatment of me as a trusted friend, made her a friend for life.  Doris was always there for me when I needed her. We never had fights and somehow always had something to talk about.

She lived nine miles away rom me. We both lived in the country so in order to visit each other in the summer, we would take turns riding our bicycles to each others' homes when we were in Junior High.  In High School, we double dated to the prom, played in the band together, worked on committees together and even served as officers in the National Honor Society together.

When I went to Iceland as an exchange student after our senior year, she worked and waited that year so she could room with me in college.  I was very blessed to have had such a close friend.  She got married the middle of our senior year of college so I had to get a new roommate that year. Of course, I got married the following fall so it wasn't too bad. We are still friends.  She is still a very trusted and loved friend. Wonderful friends like that are hard to come by.  If you have one, don't let them go and treat them with respect. What are your friends like? Do you cherish them? Treat them with respect?  Thanks for stopping by.  Happy Slicing! :)P. S. Doris was my third cousin we found out later.:)


  1. Great friends are indeed gifts from God! I have a couple girlfriends with whom I have been friens with almost 40 years!! We live now an ocea apart, but thanks to facebook, keeping in touch is a lot easier!

  2. I have a friend like that and there's nothing like it! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I'd love to hear how you found out your were third cousins. Doris sounds so precious. To wait for you to come back to start college is amazing.

  4. I pray for my friendships, that they last the span of our times. I struggle with how relationships work in today's times. They are digital... distant... sometimes insincere... often not respectful... it's heart-breaking, really. I find that what I am most aware of, and work hard to offer to friendships, I end up being hurt by when those same things are not reciprocated, leaving me wondering if my expectations and hopes are unrealistic. Thanks for giving me some hope back!

  5. Fun to hear about your long time friend. They're the best.


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