Slice 25 March 26, 2012 Preparing for Poetry

I'm working on my lesson for poetry.  I was thinking of teaching about the Doors of Poetry. I had heard Georgia Heard speak some years ago and bought her book, Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle School .  I plan to explain each of the doors and have some examples made out of construction paper to remind the students what the doors stand for. The six doors I plan to share are: Heart, Observation, Humor, Wonder, Memory and World.

These doors are explained in Georgia Heards book.  I can give a short explanation here. Heart Door- things that we love. Observation, things that we observe in the world around us.  Humor Door - writing about things that are funny or humorous.  Wonder Door- includes things that we wonder about. Mmeory Door- is about the memories of your life. Lastly the World Door includes things that concern you and those things you think about in the world.

I hope to help the students open the "doors" or "unlock" the doors so to speak to help them find "where poetry hides". Those are some phrases that Georgia Heard uses in her writing.

I am anxious to begin the unit because after attending the workshop with Georgia she opened my eyes to a whole new world of poetry that I had not seen. I had dreaded it before, but love teaching it now.

Hope oyu get a chance to read her book or hear her if you have not.  Thanks for stopping by.  Happy Slicing! :)


  1. I love the idea of doors. I have talked with my kids about the poet's purposes for writing and they were similar to these, but the idea of creating doors seems so perfect. I've heard Georgia and have read her books, but I don't remember this. Thanks for the great idea!


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