Third Day Slice March 3, 2012

I met with a friend I hadn't seen for about 7 years today.  She used to go to our church.  She had emailed me and asked if when she came to town sometime, would I like to meet?  Of course I'd like to meet.  Friendships are one of those things in life that are precious and icing on the cake.  You just don't want to let them go.

This young lady is young enough to be my daughter but yet we have a bond.  She has taught a couple of years, but that was not how we became friends.  Her husband was our youth pastor.

The interesting part started where we planned to meet.  A coffee shop in a town near where I live was a place where she and her husband used to hang out.  She was sure it was closed now.  I had been there in the last year so I was sure it wasn't closed.  Due to my busy schedule this week, I failed to ask if it was open and therefore did not find out it was closed... until this morning.

How to get a hold of her?  I had no cell phone number.  I couldn't remember her parents' names. I knew the town where her parents lived, but didn't know her dad's first or last name. What was I to do?

First, I started with her facebook page. No luck there. She doesn't have her maiden name on it, but then I found out her mother is her "friend". So I found out her maiden name. Still, I didn't know her dad's name.  I tried to call people in our church who might have known her parents.  No one was home.  So I looked in our phone book, however, the town they live in is not in our phone book.  Bummer!

Light bulb!!!!!  My loving husband comes around the corner with a BEST Book - phone book which has combinations of counties in it and behold there is the county that her parents live it.  I look up the last name and find several with that last name.  I had googled her mother's name but to no avail.

So...I picked one and called. :)  No one was home and left a message that I was looking for her and if they knew her to call me at this number.  No one called back.

It was getting closer to the time.  I decided to go to the location we said we would meet at and see if she was there.  Sure enough,  she arrived soon after me and we left to go to another Coffee Shop down the street.  As luck would have it, that shop had just closed at 2 p.m. (The time we had planned to meet.)

Well, we ended up at McDonalds and enjoyed the coffee and hot chocolate there with a thoroughly "warm" conversation with the opportunity to "catch-up".  What are friends for, but to be flexible and enjoy each other's company!
Thanks for listening/reading! :) Happy Slicing! :) A flower for my friends who stop by...


  1. Thanks for writing. Just think, if you had found her by phone, you might have missed that good time together. Sometimes God blesses us through frustration.

  2. Nice post. I agree about your comment on friends. They really are the icing on the cake. :D

  3. I guess you won't be giving up your day job for detective work in the near future. It sounds like it was a great meet and greet visit. Glad you were able to get home to write about it.

  4. Glad you were able to meet despite closed coffee shops. McDonald's supplied the icing on the cake today!

  5. Friends are worth the time and effort. Glad you were able to connect.


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