Monday, December 3, 2012

It seems like an eternity since I posted on this blog. I have retired but what does that mean? I'm still feeling my way in retirement.  I volunteer at church and go to school approximately one day a week if I'm not at my daughter's (I have a new grandson born in Sept.) or seeing my mom, or working at home.  Life is not in a routine right now. That is hard for me.  I've been used to a routine and I have to find a new normal whatever that is.  
I am doing more reading, but less writing, but I want to include more writing.  I actually don't sit  much so I guess that is the reason for less writing.  I'm not making any promises or commitments at this time. We'll see where this goes.  I miss my students and the staff at school.  I know that is life.  People tell me it usually takes a year to adjust. We'll see.  Happy slicing!  Let me know what you think.


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