April 3, 2011 Sunday afternoon...

Today is Sunday and it is the second day after I have started Spring Break!  Yeah!  So far it hasn't hit me that I'm on a break yet, but it might tomorrow.  However, besides attending worship service this morning and eating lunch, my husband and I decided to go bike riding.  I was cold at first, because there is a strong wind blowing from the southeast.  I dressed warmly in a scarf, sweatshirt, coat, gloves and hat.  We traveled about 15 miles south of our home to ride on a path.

It turned out to be about 60 degrees fahrenheit which wasn't as cold as I thought it would be.  With wind and with humity being very high, it made the temperature seem cooler than the thermometer indicate.  At any rate, we scrambled to retrieve our bikes out of the back of our van.

We rode about 3+ miles weaving in and out of the woods.  It wasn't much, but for the first ride of the season it was enough to see how we will feel.  There was no sun out and it was a little dreary but not a bad ride.

My husband then drove me to Steak and Shake for a Strawberry Sunday that we split.  That was sweet and fun.  Well, I just had to write today. I didn't get a chance yesterday, but it didn't seem right not to write again today, so here I am!  I have developed a habit and one I want to continue as much I possibly can. Writing is good for you!  It feels great! Enjoy today!


  1. I'm just finishing up my break. I'm just getting into the swing of it, and now it's over! Back to school Monday, ready for the last push!
    Hope you could walk after riding 3 miles on your first ride of the season!


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